
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Movie Time

In the past year I have been known to sleep through a movie or two...or maybe three. I'm the first one to say "Lets watch a movie!." Usually the only aspects of the movie that I am able to catch is the intro and the rolling credits at the end (if I'm lucky). Im sure Netflix is loving our wasted membership. I finally finished my first movie in a long time! This one was definitely worth staying up for.


Jerusalema is the story of Lucky Kunene, a boy who grew up in the slums and eventually rose to be a powerful crime boss. He took over apartment buildings in Johannesburg, South Africa one building at a time. Throughout the film they reference this amazing architectural building that reminds me of the Seattle needle; and is found in the center of Hillbrow, a melting pot neighborhood of immigrants. Lucky Kunene is the King of Hillbrow, or the "representative of the Hillbrow People’s Housing Trust." Lucky is a complex character that has major guts and charisma. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who has it listed under their queue, but I love Lucky's almost self hatred; he is both the protagonist and the antagonist in the movie. He goes up against other criminals in the film and refuses to make partnerships with their dealings. Its as though he does not realize that his actions are immoral as well?

1 comment:

Aïcha, She Who Lives said...

I love netflix!! Will check this out and let you know what I think - Aissatou