
Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm Twuuooo

Alex learned how to associate his numbers with his age about two months ago, and he has not stopped short of declaring to everyone that he is twuuooo with bubbles of spit in his mouth.  Now that he has actually turned two, he doesn't understand what all the excitement is about. So old
Here are some of the highlights from his Truck party...Beep Beep!

Here's the birthday boy showing off his smile

Alex seemed to really enjoy the program at My Gym, but an hour and a half is way too little time!Especially if guest think that it is a recommended time of arrival and not a real start time. Next 
year we are taking him straight to the park and calling it a day.

All of the truck themed stationary was designed by OrangeLady. She has a lot of cool graphics for kids parties and events on Etsy.

Alex rocking out to his Mother Goose Diggable tunes CD