
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sitting pretty

It feels good to be on top, and by on top I mean the favorite parent. This post was actually written in January, discussing my sadness about being ignored by Alex. It went something like this...woe is me. Why won't he laugh at my jokes? When I mimic the same thing dad does I get no response! Why does he only want me to put him to sleep and feed him? How did I fall from his heart?

 In the end I was too distraught to even voice my complaints. My son thought that I was lame, and I didn't want anyone to know, the publish button was never pressed. BUT now I am sitting pretty on the favorite throne. Mr. Patrick and I made a bet six years ago about this same scenario. The favorite parent would win the amount of our first paycheck..yes we are competitive people. Now Mr. Patrick is saying that he technically is the winner since Alex made his preference known earlier... I’m surely not coughing up any mula while the tides have turned. 

Humor aside, I actually love to see Alex and Mr. Patrick bond. It is good to use humor in these types of potentially painful situations. No parent wants to be booted to the bottom. Alex understands that we our both his parents, and we have different personalities to express our love. I hope I haven't done my victory dance too many times in front of Mr. Patrick. One thing is for sure babies seem to be fickle. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Have you ever felt so dumb you didnt know what to do with yourself? This is how I felt using the Stanley TR45. This staple gun is mind numbing. I had to wait until my anger subsided to describe the hatred that I feel for this product.

I recently moved and could only locate one of my two staple guns. I could not recollect why I had two staple guns, but I remembered that the this one was not my favorite. Too lazy to look for the other one, I decided to make do with what I had. When I opened the back of the gun I could not figure out how to load it. Puzzling...what to do?

Google it. There had to be some other like minded individual out there that could not figure out how to load a simple staple gun. Yes! My results produced a myriad of responses out there from similiar users like myself who perhaps were not as smart as a fifth grader.   One user wrote: If you are asking this questions then perhaps you should't be using it." LOL. This was indeed funny in the first fifteen minutes of my challenge, but not in the last. After reading all of the post my staples still wouldnt load! Frustrated I jammed the staples in manually, but still no luck. Duh.

After failing over and over again, the only thing left was to admit my defeat to Mr. Patrick and ask for help.
I was given the look at first. You know the one that I'm talking about....The Are you SERiously asking me this dumb question? Mr. Patrick removed my jammed staples and then told me that I probably had the wrong size. "Why don't you just buy a new gun?" Nope. Too cheap to invest more and too lazy to look for my other gun. I proceeded to venture to Target to get replacement staples. When I returned the staples still wouldnt load! Frustrated I decided to sleep it off like a bad dream. I questioned my mental capacity. Maybe I still had pregnancy brain. Who knows...anything is possible.

The next day I went to Home Depot for help. The associate gave me the same look I received the night before. He proceeded to show me how to load the gun, and look perfectly satisfied in his achievements once loaded. The staples then flopped in and out and came out of the back end. "This never happens!" he stated. He looked completely humiliated. "There must be a defect in YOUR gun." Right. I happened to glance at the shelf and noticed that this gun was marked at 7.99, about ten dollars cheaper then the other guns. THIS must be why I bought the thing to begin with.

Later on I realized that other people have had this same problem. There is no defect in my gun, this is a common problem. Nex time dont waste your 7.99, because it will cost you more in the long run.  As my mother-in-law always says "Cheap things not good and good things not cheap". I will never learn.

Yes. I DID just spend a perfectly good twenty minutes ranting about a staple gun. Hopefully you wont make the same mistake.